Una Mas Bump!

Beth here,

Well friends, the cat is officially out of the bag. For the past three months I feel like I've been lying to everyone. I am not good at keeping secrets (just ask my sisters). It's not that I can't or that I don't understand the sanctity of a really big secret. It's just that I feel SO guilty NOT telling. Anyway, this baby secret has been a doozy! And I haven't done a great job of keeping it either. Included in my misadventures with secret keeping was a fairly embarrasing face book moment where I thought I was confidentially telling a good friend the news. I learned quickly that there's no such thing as confidential on facebook! I really hate Facebook! Luckily, a sympathetic on-looker pointed out my mistake and I was able to yank the post after only a few hundred people had seen it. I spent the past several weeks hoping my boss wasn't included in that group.

For those of you that don't know me personally, this is my first baby. I'm going to be sharing some of my pregnancy adventures here. I'll try to avoid all of the boring and obvious stuff - like how we're so excited we don't quite know what to do with ourselves (and we are, of course) - and stick to the more interesting (and usually embarassing) subjects like, is it possible that NONE of my pants fit me and it's only week 8???? Please share your thoughts and comments. Goodness knows, I can use all the good advice I can get.

So here I am in the middle of week 14. Okay, so according to my doctor, I'm only in the middle of week 13. I disagree with his math. He changed my due date from October 3 to October 9th a few weeks back, but ever since he's been telling me that the baby measures really big. I really love my doctor, please don't get me wrong. I think it's really just that I WANT to be further along in this little journey than I am. I think I'm pretty much the most excited person on earth about becoming a new mom. The problem is, I'm not quite so excited about the whole, pimply, bloated, headachy, fat-pants wearing journey that leads to a new baby. Am I a terrible person? I fully get that there's A LOT more physical discomfort to come when this little one is born. It's just that, at that point, I'll also have perfect little fingers and toes to look at and a little tummy to kiss.

What I'm thinking about this week:

Weight gain. That's right. As much as we all want it to be a non-issue during pregnancy, if you're like me, it's on your mind! So last week my doctor commented that I hadn't gained any weight in awhile. Don't worry - the baby is totally doing great and looks like a rock star on the ultrasound, if I do say so myself. And let me just clarify that I see my doctor much more frequently than you might expect. I had a miscarraige awhile ago and in addition to that, it's just his style to do visits every 3 weeks instead of once a month. Anyway, after that no-weight-gain comment I went home and felt I had permission to eat pretty much the entire bag of cheesy Baked Lays - next to the Dorito, these are the yummiest chips in existence, in my opinion. Plus, I like to pretend they are health food based on the whole "baked" thing. Okay, so I recognize that there's just not much nutritional value there and all that but man those chips are sooooo good! Then, I spent most of the weekend eating waffles, mexican food and cheese plates (only the hard cheeses of course). Somehow I was a tad shocked when I realized I had gained 3 pounds in just under the same number of days. nice. I'm pretty sure this isn't what El Doctoro had in mind. Perhaps I can start wearing those cute maternity jeans a little earlier than I thought.

About Us

www.LaBump.com was created by 3 sisters with the help of our mother, better known as “Amma” to all of our little ones. We believe that every woman should have access to fabulous maternity clothing and beautiful, gently used children’s clothing and gear. We spent years sending the same old box o’ maternity clothes back and forth to each other in an effort to share cute maternity wear among sisters. Finally, we concluded that there must be more women out there like us, looking for maternity clothing and gently used toys and items for their little ones. We started this site as a way to expand our own network and hopefully help other mommies do the same. As every smart mommy knows, one of the ultimate forms of recycling is recirculating gently used items for children and mothers. We have put a new spin on typical hand me down clothing by creating a network of women in your city who can buy sell and trade maternity clothing and accessories and gently used clothing, toys, and gear for our little ones.