
As I mentioned at the end of my post from yesterday, Holden had his 4 month check-up yesterday. He received 2 shots as well as the oral Rotavirus vaccine. While I firmly believe that kids should receive their vaccines, I do understand the debate that's out there. I feel really lucky to have good health care (although we have really bad insurance that doesn't pay for hardly anything) for my kids. I'd love to hear what everyone has to say about vaccines. This is what I was thinking yesterday:

On Ava's two-year birthday last summer she got sick. It was while we were on our annual month-long visit to our family in Minnesota. She got sicker and sicker and her fever went higher and higher and she had no wet diapers for hours and hours. Finally, I was near panic and took her to the ER. Turns out she had Rotavirus and pretty much the only problem was that she was seriously dehydrated. She spent 3 days and nights in the hospital (pic of Aaron holding her in the hosp, which we did pretty much round the clock). It wasn't that scary because I knew that as soon as she had enough hydration, she'd be fine with no long term problems. After she got out of the hospital, she was fine. It took her about a week to return to her normal self. We did have 1 day in there when we thought we might have to take her back to the hospital, but she rounded the corner and recovered fully.

This long story just to say...I'm really glad Holden was able to get the Rotavirus vaccine (they weren't doing it when Ava was tiny).

I'd love your comments and viewpoints on the vaccine controversy.

About Us was created by 3 sisters with the help of our mother, better known as “Amma” to all of our little ones. We believe that every woman should have access to fabulous maternity clothing and beautiful, gently used children’s clothing and gear. We spent years sending the same old box o’ maternity clothes back and forth to each other in an effort to share cute maternity wear among sisters. Finally, we concluded that there must be more women out there like us, looking for maternity clothing and gently used toys and items for their little ones. We started this site as a way to expand our own network and hopefully help other mommies do the same. As every smart mommy knows, one of the ultimate forms of recycling is recirculating gently used items for children and mothers. We have put a new spin on typical hand me down clothing by creating a network of women in your city who can buy sell and trade maternity clothing and accessories and gently used clothing, toys, and gear for our little ones.