He’s HERE!!!!!

Hi all! Amma here! Holden Jack was born on October 30th at 2:55 p.m. He weighed in at 8 pounds and was 20 inches long, and he is, without a doubt, a perfect baby boy! We have been very busy at Jill’s house since Holden’s arrival. Ava is adjusting to being a big sister quite nicely (she just loves “her baby” so much!) And Claire – an old hat at this whole big sister thing - was quickly back to business as usual. So much to do as a busy 2nd grader!

By now, Jill is a pro at giving birth. She looked great moments after delivery. Beth joked that she took out her to do list, crossed off “give birth” and asked who was ready to make a run to the grocery store? Ha! She is a super woman, that’s for sure!

So we’ve now got 5 in the Marlowe family – a bit of a rarity these days. I grew up with 4 kids in my family and back then it certainly wasn’t unusual for families to have 5 or more children. How things have changed! We recently overheard 7 year old Claire talking with some friends about new babies. One little friend said, “I can’t believe you’re going to have THREE kids in your family!” Another little boy said, “that’s nothing, I heard about a kid once who’s family had FOUR KIDS!!!!” At that point, all the kids were rendered speechless. Stunned at the thought! After hearing this exchange, a very pregnant Jill turned around, shrugged, and said, “well, I guess that means we’re one kid short of a freak show.”

About Us

www.LaBump.com was created by 3 sisters with the help of our mother, better known as “Amma” to all of our little ones. We believe that every woman should have access to fabulous maternity clothing and beautiful, gently used children’s clothing and gear. We spent years sending the same old box o’ maternity clothes back and forth to each other in an effort to share cute maternity wear among sisters. Finally, we concluded that there must be more women out there like us, looking for maternity clothing and gently used toys and items for their little ones. We started this site as a way to expand our own network and hopefully help other mommies do the same. As every smart mommy knows, one of the ultimate forms of recycling is recirculating gently used items for children and mothers. We have put a new spin on typical hand me down clothing by creating a network of women in your city who can buy sell and trade maternity clothing and accessories and gently used clothing, toys, and gear for our little ones.